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Teen Dating & Relationships

February Is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

TDVAM is recognized during the month of February to help the community focus its awareness on preventing and ending relationship violence for our future leaders. Care Lodge seeks to strengthen our community's impact to end violence by:

  • Normalizing the act of seeking help from a trusted adult
  • Increasing awareness so youth can recognize warning signs
  • Highlighting what healthy relationships CAN look like
  • Sharing helpful tips youth can use to help a friend who is struggling with an unhealthy relationship
  • Provide options to help students build resiliency and healthy coping skills during and after a breakup

Check out these resources to help us make the GREATEST COMMUNITY IMPACT for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month!

*NOW AVAILABLE* "Know Your Worth" 2021 Action Guide & Respect Week Guide

"Outrage Into Action" 2020 Toolkit

"Huddle Up For Healthy Relationships" 2019 Toolkit

Know Your Relationship Rights

What Title IX Does For Survivors

How Culture Affects Our Response to Domestic Violence

Social Media Graphics From Break The Cycle Ambassador Program Toolkit Ambassador Application


TDV Can End With Your Help

Teen dating violence is a serious issue affecting young people in our communities Each year, 1 in 3 teens in the U.S. is a victim of verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse from a dating partner. Violent relationships in adolescence can have serious ramifications by putting the victims at higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior and adult re-victimization.

Abusive dating relationships hurt not only the young people victimized but also their families, friends, schools and communities. Let's work together to educate young people about warning signs, build skills to promote healthy relationships, and stand together to help prevent the devastating cycle of abuse.

Call Care Lodge at 601.482.8719 or email to learn more about how we can build a partnership that prevents teen dating violence.

Podcast Episodes For YOU

Episode 1: "Is it okay to be single? I feel Pressured to date."


  • National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline 1.866.331.9474

    Confidential and Free, Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Care Lodge Crisis Line 601.693.HOPE (4673)
  • This folding card helps explain how teens can identify warnings signs, process their experience, and become safe by getting the help they need.

  • Text HELLO to 741741
    Free 24/7 Confidential Text Support During A Crisis.


Click on a logo below to view other great resources that talk about relationship health and warning signs.


Violence in the home has a long lasting effect on children. Children that become victims of domestic violence are at risk for continuing the cycle of violence. However, education can reverse this process. Children need to know that the home is safe and not a place for violence.

For more information on the effect violence in the home has on children, please click here.

Our Contributors

  • United Way of East Mississippi
    United Way of East Mississippi